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Air Stones/bubble walls

25 9:34:46

I have a 77 gallon saltwater fish & reef setup. I've been using an air stone since day one, 2 years ago. Now I see most people do not use them at all. I am using a Fluval 405 filter so I do not have any water impact as the return is about 7 inches into the tank. Do I need the air stone? There is no other actual water movement other than the protein skimmer and uv light. THanks so much.

Hi Diane,
If you have no surface disruption then yes. Keep using it. Or purchase a power head with a venturi connection(air induction/bubbler) featured. It's a must to maintain water movement and oxygenation in the reef environment. In the 70's and up til the mid 80's, under gravel filters and air stones were a hobby standard. They didnt go away because they were bad, they just kind of got left behind as power heads and filtration advances were made. They ARE both still very effective methods for a reef. But if you're up 2 years, and healthy, there is no need to change it unless you want to. Hope this helps.