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15 gallon nano

25 9:42:48

I'm taking the plung!
And already I have found myself waste deep.

I am currently setting up a 15 nano reef and to my knowledge have everything I need.

15 gall(basic ten but taller)
10 pounds of live sand
Sea salt
Small powerhead
Aquaclear 20 for mechanical filtration
Test kit
And a small air stone.

Right now I have the filter going with biomax and a sponge sgould I be using carbon also? The air stone and heater are also running.

As of now I have made three mistakes.
Used tap water,mixed water and salt in the aquarium and not seeking proper advice and jumping the gun to get this going, should I add a water conditioner or just let it play out?

Also, it has been about 24 hours and the tank is still super cloudy. Is this normal or the product of the mistakes I have made. The light I have on it is aprox 2.5 to 3 wpg is this suffice for coral and plant growth?

I was planning on picking up live later next week, should it be added earlier or wait a bit?

I am open to all opinions about getting this tank up and running.



tapwater is a bad idea as its full of crap thas doesnt lend well to marine fish keeping. i would be inclined to take half out and replace it with salted RO. its still cloudy as the salt is still disolving and the sand is still settling, nothing to worry about.

i would add the live rock asap as this will start the cycle, depending on how well cured the rock is depends on how long the cycle will take. dnt worry about making mistakes everyone does at some point. at least you haven't put fish in!

sorry for the delayed response also, internet problems!