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Leather Coral Not Opening

25 9:29:41

I bought a 3-4 inch leather coral from fish store last week. Acclimated it for an hour or so. Put it in the tank near the top with the most lighting. I have power compact. I had just done a water change the day before. Ammonia, nitrite are zero, ph is 8.3 last time i checked. I have: a maroon clownfish, green chromis, red firefish. No other corals/anemones are bothering it and neither are any fish or inverts.
It hasn't opened at all since I got it. I've seen the little polyps sometime half-heartedly try to open but never fully do. In the store it was beautiful, the polyps were green coloured and the rest of it was a nice baby pink. Now it's pimply and looks like a darker pink-brown. I know it's still alive because it straightens up during the day while at night it leans over :( Also it's shape kind of changes and as I said earlier, the polyps kind of stick out sometimes (a few at a time).
Temperature is 80 F.
It's been starting to develop some cobweb thing on it and looks to be dying. Will it recover possibly? Is there any way to help it?
I spent $35 on this guy. I don't regret it unless of course it dies, but I really would like it to live. My tank really needs something pretty like that to spice it up!
Would giving it zooplankton stimulate the polyps to open maybe?


Most leather corals are typically hardy, give it a little more time to get fully accustomed to your aquarium water. With time and as long as your water parameters are good, this coral should eventually  start to have full polyp extension once again. Keep in mind it could take a month before it fully opens again.

I do recommend feeding your corals zooplankton and/or phytoplankton at least once or twice a week. However make sure to not overfeed them, because this will quickly degrade your water quality.

I wish you the best of luck in all your saltwater aquarium endeavors!
