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25 9:26:48

i noticed 3 or 4 clear jelly like creator clinging on the glass of my tank they are small like a baby finger nail it seams to puffs up when it slides accost the glass slowly they just appeared one day i have a wet dry and a protein skimmer a fire fish and some crab a few snails i though that it might be baby snails but no shell seams to eat what ever is on glass it is round like with tentacle like back end      have no idea what it could be don't know how to send pictures sorry you probuly would not see any way

hello Tina,

im guessing this pest is some sort of sea slug/nudibranch. these can either be harmless or very parasitic. if you have any corals i would suggest getting some sort of fish or creature that naturally feasts on these things. i know there are many ornate shrimps and crabs that will snack on these fellas. also i believe several varieties of filefish and butterflyfish's.