Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > sick fish

sick fish

25 9:32:50

QUESTION: I have a 300 gallon fish-only saltwater tank, maintained by a service.  Levels are regularly normal except the nitrate levels are always high (>200).  Nice new pump, sump and cartridge filtration in the last year so equipment should be fine.  The maintenance person says the high nitrate level is OK as long as the ammonia levels aren't high and so not to worry about it.  Seems strange that test kits say it is too high but, hey, who am I to disagree with the expert service person, right?  They change about 5 gallons of water per week but soon to start changing 10 gallons of water per week.  Previous service people I've used changed about 1/3 of the tank every 2 weeks.

We just added a new bannerfish, which had been in quarantine (and freshwater dip) at the service co's tank.   All was fine.  Within about 7 days at my tank, one eye went cloudy.  Today, at 10 days, he's upside down but still alive.  I doubt he'll make it much longer.

What do you think is causing it?  And any quick fixes to save the fish? Thanks!


Nitrates are more important to monitor and control on reef tanks... corals and things like that are more sensitive to the nitrates and would not grow as well or as colorful...

fish only  and nitrates arent really too much of a concern, (just like your service co suggested  :)  )

i would think that the cartridge system is not helping that much, in reducing the nitrate and mabe contributing to them... cartridges trap the poo and keep them immersed in the same water you are trying to keep clean...

(try that in your bath water...)

ask your service company about using macro algae inthe sump???  maybe start a display/sump with plants and stuff....

Larger water changes are good, and maybe 5% every week would help reduce the nitrates also...

Seems you have the key info that 'experience' has taught you...

good job.. and good luck, please keep me informed...


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the last information.  That fish did die, unfortunately.  Now I have another fish, an Emperor Angel, that has suddenly developed a cloudy eye.  He has been in the tank without issue for about 2 months.  And his other eye is a bit disturbed but very mildly.  His body also has a bit of a red area in the same spot on each side.

Any idea what is going on?  Thank you.

well, i am so sorry to hear about the loss... I am not sure what program/contract you have with your service company, but most would not charge for the fish that didnt survive...

Also, not sure wher eyou live, or what the circumstances are for 'QT' and stuff, but most fish that are brought in, are already QT'd by the wholesalers and most mid level distributors...

More QT and FW dips are very stressful... and just like humans when fish get stressed, they are more suseptable to illness' and problems

The first thing is to make sure they are stress free as much as possible... second would be an excellent diet.. lots of 'vegetable'  seaweed, etc...  even some vitamins and other products.

I suggest MELA FIX if you are adding some new fish now... it is sold by API and is a natural product that helps the immune system...

Without knowing a specific desease, fungal, bacterial, or whatever it is hard to treat...  I would need more info, pictures, etc...

It sounds like your service company isnt half bad, and would love to hear what they plan or how they plan to resolve the dead fish and now this one that is not looking so well...

Please keep me posted, and please log ont the  to be able to share more info easier then this forum...

see you there
