Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Live rock/ tank algae

Live rock/ tank algae

25 9:31:39

QUESTION: Hi, my name is Lee from Liverpool, I have recently got a 94 litre river reef tank for a salt water set up, I have a fair amount of live rock in there which at the beginning was covered in purple now it's turning White and I don't know why? The ph levels and salt levels seem ok but I am a beginner at this so any advice or guide lines to follow ? Thanks

ANSWER: Hello Lee,

The purple color, is a 'Corline Algae'

This is a wanted item as it looks pretty, and natural...

It will grow back over time with the right conditions....

It probably died during hte process of moving and setting up your new tank...

If you do regular water changes and you have good water chemistry, then that rock will be purple in no time... (you should see some progress within six months, and if you dont have coraline eating critters, then the rock will be totally covered within a year... totally = mostly)

The coraline is a HARD algae and as such needs a lot of calcium... The calcium is dissolved in your SALT WATER, and will help allow the coraline and all the other calcium needing things to grow...

You shouldnt need to add/dose calcium yet, as long as you do regular water changes...

You can get calcium test kits and make sure your calcium levels are above 400... (I keep mine at 450+)

You might need to dose or suppliment the calcium IF, you have a LOT of calicum needing critters,  (CORALS, SNAILS, CLAMS, etc)

If you dont, and your calicum demand is low, your water changes will EASILY keep up with the amount of calicum in your water.

If you want to determine how much calcium you are using/needing, then before your next water change, do a calcium test... if it is still above 400, before your water test, then you dont need to dose...

good luck and PLEASE keep me posted...

you can join my new forum at and post your progress there...

good luck


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Again, thanks for that advice my live rock hasn't died, its looking great. BUT I have a new problem, my tank has a large amount of green/brown algae appearing on the glass of the tank, on the live rock and on the sand. why is this ? and how can I stop it because it looks terrible ? thanks Lee S.

ALSO:  follow up

BTW:  I didnt mean to suggest the live rock would die, but rather the coraline algae, might die during the xfer...

Hello Lee,

New tanks go through a lot during the first few months to a year...

Algae blooms/breakouts are common.. Learning how to deal with them is kinda the process...

Can you let me know what your water peramter/test results are?  Also tell me a bit about how you do water changes and 'top off'... Where do you get the water?  

Typically algae comes from fresh water that is not filtered, and has a higher level of TDS or phosphates...  Alge LOVES phospates...

If you dont have a RO/DI filter, i strongly urge you to get one.. it was one of the best investments i ever made.. it makes it so much easier to do water changes and top off...

Also, let me know about your lights.. what kind of lights, and how long are they on... Also, is the tank near a window that how natural sunlight...???

You might want to consider getting a larger TURBO/Astrea snail, and or maybe sand sifting starfish...

Keeping the sand moving and clean is also important.

good luck and hope to hear from you soon

Also, dont forget, i have a brand new forum, with a new look and feel to it...Communicating on that forum maybe easier, and you will definately get more support and information from other members too.

hope to see you there.
