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Used Fsh Tank 90 gallons

25 9:49:01

A friend recently gave me a 90 Gal tank becuase he had too many. When I got the tank home, I noticed a crack in the overflow chamber. However, the crack appear only to be in the inside of the tank and not onb the outside of the tank. It appears it won't be a problem but what can I do to ensure I don't have a problem. Is there someting I can use to repair the crack?
Please advise.

If the overflow box is internal and the crack is in the overflow rather than the glass I really wouldn't be concerned with it.  Water is just going to be flowing over that cracked area anyway.  Regardless, I'd water test it to see how bad it is.  If the crack pours water into the overflow I'd suggest draining the tank again, drying it and using an aquarium silicon to repair the crack or seam in the overflow.  This silicon should be easy to find at a local fish store.

Best of luck with your new tank!

Scott Johnson
Aquarium Crazy Fish