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Turbo Snail vs Star fish

25 9:29:31

About a year ago I notices an abundance of small (baby) starfish in my tank that I assume hitch hicked on some live rock I purchased. They have been doing very well but I recently purchase 5 Turbo Snails and they (the snails) seem to be eating the samething the starfish have been eating. Do I need to supplement some type of food for the starfish?

Thank you,  Joe

Hi Joseph,

Good question.

In a well established aquarium, there should be an abundance of naturally occurring food-stuff for both the Turbo Snails and the Starfish. Some naturally occurring foods would include algae and detritus.

Both of these marine animals are (omnivorous), meaning "feeding on food of both plant and animal origin. They are also labeled as detritivores.

However if you feel your Turbo Snails are not getting enough nutrients, you can always feed them; perhaps a small sinking spirulina pellet or other sinking pellet type fish food.


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