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red algea

25 9:41:42

I have noticed that red algea are in my rocks and on the walls of the tank, how can I get ride of all of this?

My aquarium is a 20 gallon with 2 clowns with som corals, 1 shrimp and 1 anemon. All but the coral are new in the tank, not more than a week. The tank has been running at least for a mont even maybee two(can't be shur on that).
Thanks a hole lot

HI Sebastian. What your experiencing is a typical cyanobacteria or red slime algae bloom. This algae typically blooms in newly set up saltwater aquariums under high dissolved organic nutrient rich conditions. The best way to get rid of it is to do frequent partial water changes, cut back slightly on any additives and feedings, a stronger current and aggressive protein skimming. Renewing any activated carbon and slightly elevating the alkalinity  may help a little also. There are a few creatures that may help as well like blue leg hermit crabs and turbo snails but they usually can not keep up with a full blown outbreak and are better used to keep this bacteria in check. I have had allot of luck using a product called chemi-clean but you must follow the directions exactly as written on the packaging. This product contains an antibiotic that will kill this form of bacteria which is gram negative but won't harm your good bacteria which is gram positive. If used correctly there are no ill effects to any of the inhabitants of your tank. With this said it is always better to fix the problem with the dissolved organics before taking a drastic measure as using any chemical. Like most bacteria if you just use the medication and not fix the reason why you are having this outbreak in the first place there is always the possibility of it coming back with a higher resistance to the medication.