Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Can GSP be kept with Figer 8 long term?

Can GSP be kept with Figer 8 long term?

25 9:36:03

Hello. I have 1 GSP 1 inch, and 1 figure 8 1 inch.. They are both in 1.005 salt.. But.. My question is.. Once the GSP reach to adult. Are they required to be kept in 1.020 salt.. If so.. The figure 8 puffer wont be able to live in that water.. SO does that mean I should keep 2 GSP rather than 1 GSP and figure 8??

Hello Ahmed,

I am sorry I am unable to help you.  I am not familiar enough or knowledgable in brackish environiments, nor with IF or HOW to migrate corals to brackish...

I have heard some folks discussing how to acclimaate fish to brackish, but I really do not recall much of what was disccussed at the party... (hehehe)

I hope you can find a source to help you... Maybe try and search for brackish???

good luck,
