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my aquarium is very cloudy, what is wrong

25 9:48:59

hey, my aquarium is VERY cloudy, it is a 11 gallon, and i cant see behind it, i was wondering if i mixed the salt wrong, the box says, 0ne 1/2 cup for every 1 gallon, so i put 11 hal cups in, it has been sitting for about 36hrs, and it seems to be loosing cloudiness very little, one thing that i think i may have done wrong was, i first put in the water, and then added the underground filter, and then i put in the live rock, but me and my friend crushed one of the rocks to make more of a "floor" for the aquarium, THEN i mixed the salt into the aquarium, i tried to mix it the best i could with out disturbing the rock, but it was very hard, so i stirred it up at alos let the power head mix it up, also, there seems to be a cloudiness from the live rock too, perhaps from the stff we crushed up, anyway, any help is appreciated, i was wondering if i should just start all over, i have enough salt to do so, if i should do that, please tell me the appropriate way, haha, thanks a million, jared



I would say to start over.

Just add salt water to your tank.  Let your power filter run ( on maximum flow) for three days and the cloudiness will go away as the salt mixes in with the water. Check you salinity ratings before you add your rocks!!This will prevent any cloudiness due to extra salt. If it's fine then  add your underground filter along with your substrate/live rock.

Let me know how you make out.
Thanks Todd