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Salt water Tank & Clown fish

25 9:48:47

Last night we added calcium to our 75 gallon tank it clouded up really bad.  We have two clown fish and a bicolor something.  This morning it is clearing but the two clowns are on the bottom and not doing well is there anything we can do to save them?  The tank is a month old and everything has tested to be fine except the calcium level keeps dropping.  Should we make up some saltwater and take them out? We don't have another tank set up but do have an empty 10 gallon we can put salt water in if it would help.  Yes we are very new to this.  Thanks for your input.  Bunnie


How are they now if they still look bad then
I would move them to the 10 gallon tank. The problem is your new sea water is not aged properly.  This may stress your fish to the point will they might die. I would try 50% of your old water and 50% new water( In the 10 Gallon).  Make sure the salinity, temp and PH are all the same.  Then watch them and re-test your main tank.  Clowns are hardy so this may give tem a good chance.
Also I would do a 50% water change to the main tanks as well. Always add a little Calcium at a time.  
Good luck Todd