Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Ailing Lionfish

Ailing Lionfish

25 9:36:32

I am new to the saltwater hobby. My first timer's 55 gallon tank was set up
April 27, 2009. It has a large dual bio-wheel, protein skimmer and
powerhead. The temp stays consistently at 79.9-80.2 between day use of
lights and nighttime dark.

I am using biological filtration with live sand and 5 pounds of lovely live rock,
which was added May 18, 2009. The vegetation on the live rock has spread to
the other two bare rocks in the tanks. The lighting is perfect, so the plant life
is great, and oxygen is being made. Enter one small pterois volitans. I got him
straight off the delivery truck shipper.

Norman, the love of my life, and the reason I wanted a marine tank was
introduced to his home on June 2. He was a "baby." He repeatedly refused his
fillet of fish and would only eat live ghost shrimp and guppies for his first two
weeks with me.

On the 16th day, I noticed his spiked fins were at right angles! On the 19th
one fell off!! EEK! I searched Reefer Cafe Forum for help. The best advice was
don't get a small lion fish.

The tank had consistent readings of 0 ppm on ammonia, nitrites and nitrates.
The s.g. wa/is 1.025, and pH is 8.4 steady.

Norman was put in a 20 gallon "hospital" tank on June 25, with two packets of
Maracyn-Two added. I followed the label directions adding a packet a day for
the duration of 5 days. On day 3, my black volitans seemed to be perkier. He
was breathing normally.

Tonight's addition of a packet IS Day Five. Tomorrow, I will change out 5
gallons of the 20 gallon tank with fresh 24 hour cured "Instant Ocean"

MY QUESTION IS should I repeat the process and administer a second dosings
of antibiotics, since he still seems very weak? I gave him 3 guppies today, but
he wasn't really able to chase them. He eats them from the net (hopefully
down the line, if he lives I can get him to eat his salty silverfish and krill that

I have been searching the internet again today for more knowledge. I have
come to you. I realize there is so little on Lionfish; I'm grateful for your help.

Sincere regards,

Minnesota Kitty

Hello Minn Kitty,

I am going to defer this question to a friend of mine.  He and his partner are the true lionfish experts here.  I do have an opinion, but it is not really based on your specific species so, with my having good friends at my disposal, I figured I better utilize them

please log into and register at my new forum...

and get in touch with 'Just_Greg'

I will let him know to expect you... there is a live chat room, and many times you may find him there, but, just in case, you can contact him via a 'private message' or post a thread and he will reply

good luck, and sorry i couldnt help you, but i am sure you willike and be pleased with Greg's comments
