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Small Brown Anemone

25 9:38:46

I bought this rock with a bunch of green mushroom polyps on it and there is a tiny brown sea anemone on it... I  read on the internet that they spread fast and arnt to good for my tank... i forget the name of them but I know that they start with an A... I was just wondering what would be the best way to get rid of them without having to go to a fish store(closest one is 45 mins)?? I heard lemon juice but i dont want to just do it and mess up my tank!?!?

alright thanks alot!!

Hi Bonnie. What you have is an aptasia anemone. These will reproduce quickly and have a very potent sting that even when small can kill any corals with in its reach. As larger specimens they can take down small fish! The best way to get rid of it IS with lemon juice( only a very small amount needs to be used about .25-.5 cc's) however you will need to use a syringe and inject it directly into the flesh of the anemone for it to work. This can be very tricky because as soon as the anemone detects that there is movement around it, it will quickly retract into its hole and sticking it with a needle will be impossible. You have to be very quick and it may take several tries. This is the best way to go if you have access to a small gauge syringe. Otherwise it is best to get an aptaisia remover from a fish supply store. I have also heard of putting sea salt directly on the anemone. I have tried this without much success but have heard that it has worked for others.