Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > feeding habits of a sea hare...

feeding habits of a sea hare...

25 9:49:05

I recently came upon this great "lawnmower of the sea" (sea hare).  It's virtually eaten almost all of my green algae and what red algae I had in the tank.  The sea hare rarely comes out when the lights are on, but I know he's still in there because there is less algae each day.  My question is this:  Do they eat anything besides algae?  I'm running out of people to ask, not to mention algae.  Please respond ASAP, as I do not wish to starve the poor little guy if algae IS his only source of nourishment.  

I'm afraid that the primary food source for Seahares is algaes.  Specifically filiment varieties.

Outside of growing more algae in a separate tank or trying to suppliment with dried seaweeds I can't really offer much more advise.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

Best of luck!

Scott Johnson
Aquarium Crazy Fish