Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > light


25 9:40:41

QUESTION: sorry if you got this question twice. First let me start by thanking you for all your help. My question is how many hours do i leave the lights on? also all my levels are at 0 and high ph is at 8.2 i also checked the phosphate level and that was at 0.2,
i am going to bring back the last 2 damsels and that would bring me to 0 fish, can i replace them with 2 clowns?

ANSWER: Hello again Eufemio. Did you do that first partial water change yet? This is a very important step after your tank has cycled. If so then I would say to take back those nasty damsels and get yourself the fish you really want to have in there. Two clowns are a good idea just make sure they are of a species that is more likely to get along with one another. Some clowns can be very territorial and some(like the maroon clown) can be downright nasty. There is always a chance even with species like the percula, who are known to be able to get along with one another, to have some problems with being territorial. Just keep an eye on them. Bullying and bickering in the confines of an aquarium can cause some serious stress to your fish and with stressed out fish disease isn't very far behind.
 You should have your lights on for about 12 hours a day. Pretty much just like the sun in the more tropical areas of the world. You can go a little less or even a little more but that is the general guideline for a tank that houses any light loving invertebrate(like an anemone).

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you, as always your the best. I have not yet done my first water change, but will do it tonight, my question is when i do a 25% water change how do i measure how much salt to put back in?

Hi there! First fill up your buckets or whatever you use to mix up your salt water in with your fresh water(do not add fresh to the tank and then the salt always premix your saltwater before doing a partial water change. You may already know this but I am just making sure)then add approximately 1/2 cup of salt mix per gallon of water. Mix well and let dissolve for a little while. You can usually tell if all the salt is dissolved because there won't be any on the bottom of the bucket and the water will be crystal clear. measure your salinity then adjust if needed. 1/2 cup per gallon will get you pretty close if not right on.