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seting up an tank

25 9:37:42


Im interested in getting a saltwater because i really want those fish. I currently have 3 fresh water with alsorts of fish(i know freshwater fish) but my parents say it alot of work. I was wondering how much work is it accually(compared to freshwater?) and what size should i get(they told me i can only get a small tank so how small can/should i go?)

I also want to know what if clowns(main want!) would be fine with sea horses? and what type of bottom feeder would be good in the set up

Well I got kinda good news and some bad news...  (heheheh)

I will start off with the good news...

Smaller tanks are harder then larger tanks.... so just tell your parents the Bill Said large tanks are easier....

The bad news???

Saltwater tanks are harder then fresh water...

BUT, it isnt THAT hard, and I know some 'kids' that have tanks, and are quite good at it.  They have drive and ambition and really  do a lot of talking with folks to learn all he needs..

But, I think that you mnight be wise to wait a while before moving up to to saltwater aquariums...

Try looking into freshwater landscaping, and stuff like that.. instead of fish, get into the plants and aquascaping...

Please let me know if you have any other questions or if i can be help when you get your tank...
