Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > purple growth on live rock

purple growth on live rock

25 9:37:41

I added some live rock from my aquarium store and it had some purple growth on it and now it is spreading to other live rock. Is this ok or do I need to do something about it?

HELlo Mark,

That growth is called 'coraline algae'

Other reefers KILL for it.  You might want to change your name on here to avoid the rush towards you.

It means you are doing things right...

This coraline will grow over the bottom and walls also.. If you dont want it on the glass, you will need to clean it, often, before it attaches..

If you dont want it on the rocks, not sure why, but if you dont, then get urchins...

BUT, like I said, most reefers covet it, and buy expensive 'snake oil ' remedies to try to attain it.

way to go...
