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shark with problem

25 9:30:07

I believe my shark is a nurse shark 14 to 15 inches long. I have the shark for 6 to 8 months and a month ago it developed a large lump in its throat, about the size of one of my snail 3/4 inch in diameter. He eats every day but no activity the rest of the day. My tank is 90 gal and is too small for him but nobody wants him not even the store where I bought him. How do I get rid of this lump?

Hi David,

To accommodate a nurse shark, you should have a dedicated aquarium of at least a 180 gallon or appropriate size for larger adult sharks. The aquarium will require a very fine soft sanded substrate. Course substrate and rocks in the aquarium can cause abrasions that may cause irritation and infection to the sharks abdomen/belly, and throat area.

Since you mentioned it has a lump, it may have developed a tumor or inflamed irritation; I highly recommend to seek medical attention from a qualified marine veterinarian.

I also recommend to increase the filtration on the tank. Fluidized sand filters work great on shark aquariums. Also, provide high protein quality seafood for your sharks meals, including fresh squid and fresh shrimp.


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