Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Salinity...


25 9:44:41

I have a 30 gallon tank and i noticed that the salinity is getting kind of high, its
almost at 26. Can i slowly add some tap water or bottled water to slowly
decrease it? I dont have any other water to use besides salt water from the fish
place. I just didnt know if tap water would mess anything up?

Hi Brandon. You are always going to lose water due to evaporation. This is normal. And since the salt in your water does not evaporate your salinity will get high. You should always keep a few gallon jugs with high quality distilled or reverse osmosis water on hand to top of your tank on a regular basis(every other day). You can purchase distilled water anywhere you can buy bottled water usually and if you can not than bottled water would be better than tap water although some bottled waters are simply nothing more than tap water. Try to find distilled or R.o.(look at the bottled waters label closely it should tell you how it was filtered) and if you can't then bottled water from a high quality source would be the next best thing.