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Live Bali alhor rock

25 9:30:01

I'm new to fish tanks. I have a 29 gallon biocube that's been running for 8 weeks. The live rock was added about 5 weeks ago about 22 lbs. The rock has got a thick white icing glaze over 80 percent of it and lost all of it's beautiful color. I added some reef cleaners... 5 snails and 5 hermits and their shells are even starting to get this glaze on them? All my levels are under control except nitrates! Between 60 to 80 ppm. I have made four 25 percent water changes but they still seem to stay around 60? I've been running a protein skimmer for 3 weeks and added 1 milliliter of vodka daily for a week no changes. Any suggestions for the rock and nitrates would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Rob,

Often the white film is dead/decaying sponge, you can just siphon it out. If it doesn't rub off, then most likely it's dead coralline algae. Either way eventually with time, it will clear up. Keep curing the rock and doing water changes.
