Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Snow Tip Green LT Anemone

Snow Tip Green LT Anemone

25 9:32:53


snow tip green lt anem
hi I was wondering if you could tell me everything I need to know about taking care of a Snow Tip Green LT Anemone as far as what do they eat, how much light they need ,waterflow,acclimation,what they are compatible with please answer back soon

Hello Alonso,

I hope i am replying quick enough, but not sure when you posted.. heheheh

I am not familiar with that specific varietal of anemone, but typically anemones are both photosythetic and they eat/digest food for energy also...

This means they need both, light and food/fish/etc.

I feed my lta small pieces of fish/shrimp/scallop, that i buy from the local market, and chopped up in a food processor... I might freeze a batch and then cut or break it up into cubes or bits, then freeze them for speific menus or to mix up the menu...

I will feed them maybe once a week...I have heard the more you feed them the more they will split and propagate...

Im sorry i cant be more specific BUT, i do have someone who I call expert when it comes to anemones...

PLEASE log onto my new forum at  and try to get in touch with Just_Greg

I will let him know to look for you

good luck, and hope to see you around
