Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > ich?


25 9:40:18

we are still new to our saltwater tanks, but have had freshwater tanks in the past, so we are somewhat familiar with ich. we beleive one of our fish has ich, it has white spots on it. we have inverts in our tank such as an anenome, featherdusters, mushrooms, polyps and five fish. we could qt our fish anad treat them but we believe the ich may be on our glass. there are microscopic white "things" moving on our glass. so qt the fish will not treat the tank itself. we've heard that "kick ich" is reef safe but have seen conflicting info on numerous blogs. are the white spots moving on the glass and the white spots on one of our fish ich? if so what do you recommend? please help and thank you

Marine ich is completel different than FW ich.

First off, tose things on the glass are marine isopods. They are beneficial organisms, not ich. They will go away somewhat as the tank matures.

The thins are your fish are marine ich.

You can quarentine her and treat her with something like you mentioned. Do NOT put any meds into the reef tank, regardless of what it says.

Or you can dip her.

Something you don't do in FW. Put her in completely freshwater for a couple minutes, then take her out and put her into a QT tank.

There are also various marine fish such as neon gobies that will eat ich right off a fish.