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Red in tank

25 9:47:06

We have set up a 20 gallon salt water fish tank and have had it up and running for 6 months.  About 2 month ago red algea started in the tank.  We understood that this was part of the evolution of the development of the salt water tank.  There is still substantial red algea and it has not converted to the green algea.  The 2 fish in the tank seem to not mind this however is there something we can do to move fromn the red algea?  Do we need brighter lights, better filter etc.

If it is a hair type algae, and not a slime type, this is actually good. if your want to remove some of it just do it by hand. In the other case, if it is slime, several factors, first make sure you phosphates, and nitrates are within parameters. If they are high start doing some water changes, if you don't have access to reverse osmosis water, then i would use distilled water. Tap water is usually high in phosphates to begin with. Lighting, if you have just regular florescent lights, you may want to change those bulbs every six months or so, they loose there intensity after about 6 months. Or if you want to step up your lights, VHO/power compacts/metal halides. Let me know hoe it goes.