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Odd setup for sharks/live rock

25 9:48:10

My question Is on breeding and upkeep on shark species. I am in the Process of setting up a 12' X 30" tall round pool *aprox 1330 gallons*. Also in place of the pool filter we are using a bio ball and bag filter but keeping the pools pump, and then the expensive part....Lighting...I know this makes it difficult to get an all angle veiw of the water but its the best/cheapest way...My questions are is there types of salt water sharks who may breed in this setup and also will not out grow this with 3-4 in the tank, the center of the tank will have roughly 300lbs of live rock...(so much dead and little live to kind of bring the dead back to life...)
*note- sharks I am purchasing will be pre-hatched eggs...Thanks, Chris  

Hi Chris,

     This sounds like quite an ambitious project. Unfortunately it is beyond my expertise and there is no way I would do any guessing or offer any suggestions, except to go to the net and find successful shark breeding programs you can emulate. I am envious-what a project! ALL THE BEST OF LUCK TO YOU< GERRY!
P.S. How are you constructing your pool? Let me know if you take some pictures - would love to see it.