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Starting a reef aquarium

25 9:28:26

Mr. Francis,

I'm looking to start my fist saltwater tank. (Saltwater mind you I've had many freshwater tanks. I'm not sure if that helps at all.) I can only afford 29 gallons so my question is what is the bare minimum amount of money to successfully buy and maintain it?


Hi Mary,

Regarding the cost of a 29 gallon saltwater aquarium:

You could shop around and find used equipment to save a little money; however being new to the saltwater end of the hobby, you may want to start with all new equipment; in this manner you won't have to worry about making repairs or retrofitting any necessary equipment.

Your total cost for a 29 gallon saltwater aquarium will be approximately $500 to $800, if purchasing a brand new nano style 29 gallon aquarium. For example, a JBJ Nano Cube, or an Oceanic BioCube.

Your total cost for a 29 gallon standard rectangular shaped glass aquarium, will be approximately $250 to $400; keep in mind this type of aquarium will not have a built-in filtration system.

See the following web page below, which includes tips to start a saltwater aquarium.

I wish you luck with all your saltwater aquarium endeavors.
