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Trying to identify critter

25 9:41:35


Tank Critter
Hoping you may be able to help identify the critter in the attached photo.  I have
it circled.  It is hard and will close up if I touch it with anything.  I first thought it
was something that and died in the rock before we got it but when trying to
remove found that it doesn't like me touching it.  It has never moved from this
spot and appears to be anchored.  Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Stacey. What you have is a hitch hiker bivalve. Its hard to say weather it is a clam or a mussel but is perfectly safe in your aquarium. They are filter feeders and very common on live rock. No special care needs to be taken for these are hardy little bivalves and can tolerate variations in water quality. Enjoy your little creature!