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salt water tank set up

25 9:29:30

hello im looking to set up a salt water fish tank what size tank do i need to first start with or can i buy the biggest tank i want and just put a few fish in at a time?

Hi David,

Good Question.

It depends on your budget, and also depends on your personal preferences. Each aquarium is unique like a work of art. Some deciding factors when initially starting up would include which style of saltwater aquarium you're interested in, some examples include: a saltwater only fish tank, a saltwater fish only with live rock also known as a (F.O.W.L.R) aquarium, or a saltwater fish and coral reef aquarium.

Below is an educational web page to review, from Orange County Reef Aquatics -, my favorite online aquarium store.

In conclusion my recommendation is to first, learn as much as you possibly can about the fish and corals that interest you; then you can form an opinion as to what you want. This will ultimately help you to decide what aquarium set-up you want.

A good saltwater aquarium forum to check-out and join is

Welcome to the saltwater aquarium hobby, I wish you the best of luck in all of your saltwater aquarium endeavors.


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