Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > wooden ledges

wooden ledges

25 9:33:05

QUESTION: can i build wooden ledges in my saltwater tank and if so what wood would be the best to use inside the tank under water

ANSWER: Hello Trevor.

I would not advise using wood in an aqurium... it will ultimately rot and decompose and add harmfull things into the tank..

also some woods have saps and oils and other things that would not be good...


good luck


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: what would be the best for building these ledges would plastic materials work the best  

some people use acrylic to use as 'frag racks'  

you can buy frag racks already made, with magnets and such to hold them in place..

i think that they sound good in concept but they end up blocking light that would have reached the bottom of the tank and now, cant, and what you gain in 'space' is lost by the light being blocked...

I hope this helps and good luck
