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what next

25 9:41:19


hey Jennifer fish are fine 40 gal. 4 damsels 2 clowns 1 strawberry, live rock lots of alge and corals growing very fast along with the hitchhikers. I would like to add some more in about 3 to 4 weeks. Anemones? Toob worms? crabs? what would you recomend? Inverts? In short I would like a lot of variation, like live plants or algee. What do you think would be best to go with next?

HI Joe. It is really hard for me tell you what to add next! Your tank is your creation and I do not want to add too much input into your creation. If you want a lot of variation may be try going with some crustaceans next. Cleaner shrimp, emerald crabs, small hermit crabs, peppermint shrimp, and some others always make good and active little additions to a reef tank with out putting too much of a load on your biological filter. Tube worms are nice but are not very long lived in the aquarium and need a constant supply of food to keep them healthy. Adding an anemone for your clowns to host is always a nice addition to any aquarium. Make sure you have adequate lighting for the anemone and try to find one that is more of a natural host for your clownfish. Bubble tip anemones are a good choice as most clowns will readily host them and they are very hardy. Macro algae can be very pleasing to the eye in a reef tank, giving it a natural look, and also will help with nutrient export. Some good choices are red leaf algae, halimeda, chaetomorpha, and some species of caulerpa. All algae should be harvested regularly so it won't overgrow corals and to encourage new growth. Too much algae will drop your pH so a natural balance must be established. the sky is the limit when stocking your aquarium. My best advice to you would be to research any prospective inhabitants and find which would be the best fit for you. All reef tanks are one of a kind because the person who owns it is unique!