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Aquarium Stocking

25 9:29:40

Hi again,
I'm the same person who asked about the leather coral, and now I have another question for you.
The tank is 30 gallons, and I've had these three fish for a while now - red firefish, green chromis and maroon clown.
I am getting an urge to buy another fish...
Do you think this is a smart idea?
I have been thinking of getting rid of my maroon clown in favour of two ocellaris clownfish (because of possible aggression and size issues).
I was also interested in longnose hawkfish and royal gramma basslet. But, after doing more research, I found the longnose hawkfish might not be compatible with my firefish or invertebrates...
I am also interested in a banggai cardinalfish.
What do you think of these three fish? I have a reef tank with several soft corals and hermit crabs, snails and other small cleanup crew invertebrates.
Are there any other fish you might recommend (with a lower price range)? I already fully stocked?

Hi Paula,

All of your suggestions, could be candidates, for your thirty gallon aquarium. These choices depend on your personal preference.

You may also think about a Sail-fin/Algae Blenny, also commonly known as a Lawnmower Blenny. These fish have such great personality, and will also gobble down algae that grows on your aquarium walls. I have one named Bernie, he's actually one of my more favorite fish. They don't offer the high vivid colors in terms of purples, reds, or blue coloration, however they make this up with their flamboyant personality.

I wish you the best with all your saltwater aquarium endeavors.


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