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My Red Knob Starfish

25 9:43:50

I am so worried abou tmy star fish. It is actually my boss's starfish, but I am very attached to it. I am a beginner too, so my question will be kinda basic. My starfish has been great up until last week. I noticed it was on a snail and after a bit had eaten it, I thought this was great, because it was a big meal for him. That was last friday. it is Thursday now, of the following week and he is acting funny. He moves around the tank, but very slowly now, he stays in the same spot for the entire day. He is bending in funny ways and staying like that. I read something somewhere that said if he is sick, turn him over and see if he pulls himself bak the right way. He did, but his time it took over 20 minutes to turn back over. I am worried, because I know if he is sick, there is no turning back, please help!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Kimberly. From the looks of it, it seems like your starfish is doing fine! Everything you are telling me is the typical behavior of a starfish. They are slow moving and they will spend long periods of time in just one spot in the tank. Most starfish are nocturnal and remain stationary during the day. However, many will make occasional daytime hunting forays if they are hungry or if they learn that food is available at a certain time each day. Turning him over and seeing if he rights himself was a good idea and 20 mins. is not very long for him to right himself. Unfortunately there are no indications if a starfish is going to fall ill and usually by the time any symptoms do appear it is too late. As long as he is eating good and the water quality of the tank is spot on, then there should be nothing to worry about. Starfish do not usually live very long in a tank environment. Usually a year is about as long as they make it. Occasionally one may live longer but it is not all that common.