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Sick starfish

25 9:48:17

I have a chocolate chip starfish that seems to be falling apart. Parts of its skin are falling off, its legs are sometimes curved upward, and he is losing his ability to stay attached to walls. What do I do.

Hi Veronica,

   I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but once a starfish becomes subject to a bacterial infection, which sounds like it's the problem, there is really nothing much you can do but get another one. You can't treat starfish with meds that kill bacteria or viruses beacause they also kill the starfish. I'll say a little prayer for your baby. By the way, before you put another starfish in your tank you might have to treat it so your new star stays healthy. Please let me know what other animals you have and how often you do water changes. Also please take some water samples to your local pet store and check, salinity, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and ph. All the best, gerry.