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feather duster and decorator crab

25 9:29:35

hello i recently bought a feather duster and decorator crab. my question is how often should if feed my feather duster ( i have Kent zooplex). also i want to know if decorator crabs are nocturnal and what should i feed it. thanks

Hi Ben,

Good questions.

Regarding the Feather Duster (Sabellastarte sp.), they are dependent upon phytoplankton for their main diet; however I recommend to include both zooplankton and phytoplankton into their diet.  I recommend a minimum of at least twice a week. Use caution when feeding them, as liquid plankton's can very easily be over-fed, which will quickly degrade water quality.

Tips: Feather dusters generate their own flow to capture food particles rather than relying primarily on the flow of currents to bring food particles to them. These worms extend their feeding pinnules (the "crown" of the feather duster) and actively pump water through the ciliated tentacles to capture organic particles as they pass through the crown (cilia are tiny hair-like extensions on the surface of cells that are under active control and used to generate currents to move water or mucus around)...

Therefore when feeding them, if you can, turn off the pumps for 15 minutes and introduce the liquid phytoplankton gently around them and high above them, instead of directly squirting them with it, which typically causes them to close-up.

Regarding the Decorator Crab, also commonly called the Arrow Crab or Decorator Arrow Crab (Stenorhynchus sp.) they are nocturnal feeders and opportunistic feeders, meaning if the opportunity arises and/or crosses their path "to have a meal", typically they'll take it. They can be fed a combination of foods, including: sinking pellets, frozen foods, bits of fresh seafood, and flakes. Arrow crabs can also be great at eating Bristle Worms, thus helping you to keep the levels of these worms to a minimum.

I wish you the best of luck with all your saltwater aquarium endeavors.


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