Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > How to keep the pH at 8.0

How to keep the pH at 8.0

25 9:36:41

its at 6 how do i raise it? also how do i get the hardness of my water to meduim? mine is very hard.

Hello Sarah,

Hopefully you got the info to your earlier question???

as for raising your pH.  I would suggest using a pH buffer.  They acutally make a kH buffer that will raise and maintain your pH and kH, so it will address both your questions

Many different companies make and distribute them.  I have never used them so I can not give a reference for one on my expereince.

Good luck...

Oh, btw, you might want to review an article on reefkeeping magazine on 'Randy's Two part' solution.

This will address a little chemistry as to why and how on the Calcium and kH of a saltwater tank, and how to make up your own chemicals using standar and off the shelf products, (cheap)

good luck.

btw, please check out my new forum at

it has a live chat room and a BLOG to start and keep a journal on your tank, and get comments and feedback from other reef members.

it is relatively new, and sometimes I or no one may be online at the time you are, but please be patient, members log on at differnt times and will probably log on shortly...

hope to see you there.,
