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cleaning coral and rocks

25 9:48:12

hello ,i was wondering if icould use bleach to clean brown algae off my coral pieces and rock,i thuoght i heard i could as long as i soak in in three strenght salt water .tyvm, ruth

Hi there,
I have not personally used bleach for this purpose myself. But I have used bleach for my purigen bags when cleaning them for the filter. So its probably possible. With the purigen its one part bleach to one part water soaked for 24 hrs (I usually use a little less bleach to water) and then 2 tablespoons of prime or similar to every cup of water soaked for another 24 hrs rinsed well after each one. Possibly even leaving them out in the sun to dry would be good and then just check there is no smell of bleach after. I would probably do the salt water soak after also just to be sure to get the bleach out.
Alot of people use vinegar to clean tank items also. Just remember that any live rock will be killed after either process and you will need to reseed it.
Hope this helps some.