Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > purple snail? in new tank

purple snail? in new tank

25 9:37:28

I converted to salt water. added live rocks 2 months ago.
cycling through brown diatoms. now I have little white bugs,copepods or something. white tube anenome? and
a purple snail pyramid with orange attennae eyes?

hello John,

welcome to our reef world.

Congrats on all your cools sounding critters.  Keep an eye out at night, break out the flashlight and some popcorn, as I find more and more cool stuff at night.

I am not sure if you are asking a question or not but, from what i read, you just have fairly normal critters on your rock...

I would make sure you get some more snails to help with any algae/diatom break out you might be getting...
