Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Bubble tip:

Bubble tip:

25 9:46:52

My bubble tip anenome was beautiful about 3months ago since then it virtually lost its tenticales it's just a flat circle and when I try to feed it its hard to keep the food it still circles around but it's just not the same.  I have a 45 gallon tank bio wheel filter visijet protein skimmer three power heads and a 150 watt metal halade light.  My levels are all good what should I do?

aim a powerhead so the flow is just over the top of it, they like higher flow if they are not feeling great. it sounds like it has expeled all the water from inside it.

it didn't by anychance wander too close to a powerhead? they sometimes get too close and the powerhead takes all their tentacles off.