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silicates in my water

25 9:46:52

answer to the information u gave,i have plenty of flow in the tank i have 3 power heads in the tank and a large external filter my tank is a aqua one with approx 40 gallon in there,i also run a uv sterilizer too. i just cant seem to get rid of this pest alge i even have a fox face to eat most alge but it wont touch this stuff,also i have never used any chemicals in the tank,could u give me any more information cheers kev.

hey mate, the reason the rabbit face wont eat it is because its toxic if ingested by the fish. only other thing you can do is syphon it out and add phos remover to your canister, that coupled with aiming the flow at the rocks this should help.

the other queston is what media do you have in your canister? if your using the conventional media this will lech nitrAtes into your water from the fish waste.