Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > R/t question asked in nov/2009 About small white cone shaped sacs

R/t question asked in nov/2009 About small white cone shaped sacs

25 9:29:46

I recently discovered the same small white cone shaped sacs that appear to have Antennas on decorative corals in my tank. The article/question/answer in 2009 suggested they were worms. If so, what kind can they be, are they bad, can they harm my fish and how do I get rid of them?

Hi Arthur,

To answer this further, I'd like to see either a drawing of the animal or a photograph.  You can use the "Macro" setting on a camera to get within 6" of the pest, and then can send me that image, attached to a followup to this letter.

I am conderned.  I don't believe they are worms.  It sounds like Limpets or other types of snail, and the thing is they can be eating your corals.

Are these soft or hard corals?

Are the cone-shaped things soft or hard shelled?

They could be something completely harmless, but to help you with the right answer, I'd rather not guess!  Expert advice is best given with the right information to do so.

Please make me a drawing, scan it and attach it or take a photo and attach it and respond so I can better give you the proper advice.
