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25 9:35:27

I have a major problem with aiptasia anemone.  I cannot put a peppermint shrimp in the tank because I have a Rasp that will eat the shrimp. (also a Lion fish in the tank)  I tried injecting an otc remedy, however, I have difficulty reaching the bottom of the tank (200 gallon) and can't get to them all.  Then they just re-populate.  What would you suggest for getting rid of the aiptasia?

Hi Sheila,
The bane of every marine aquarists existence... Aiptasia. Most otc remedies are not the most reliable, and some of them contain copper and other trace metals that can wreak havoc with all of your inverts. Well unfortunately I only have 2 methods that I know work and 1 that I have seen work in my systems and tested myself but wont guarantee for anyone else. 1st - Pull out rocks and scrub them(Ugh! A horrible undertaking!) 2nd - A syringe with vinegar, lime juice or pickling lime. Inject the little buggers. 3rd - The Copperbanded Butterfly Fish,Chelmon Rostratus. I have 1 in each of my systems(10 total and over 3000 gallons) and they have irradicated aiptasia, they eat it off the rocks and keep it under control. I would look at a combionation of the syringe and possibly a new addition. The syringe method is a pain but completely safew for the rest of the community and they DO NOT RETURN. The scrubbing method leaves a chance for return as aiptasia can regenerate from the smallest piece left behind. Now the Copperband Butterfly Fish, works well in my systems... That being said, I have large systems. I wouldnt recommend using this fish in this manner to anyone with a tank under 150 gallons. The reason being, they are such finicky eaters they are hard to keep alive in small systems. Now Peppermint Shrimp work well too, and may be the way to go. They may be a snack for some of your inhabitants, but most cleaning crews are, and they can be replaced very easily. I actually buy them regularly and use them as cleaners AND live feeders.
Well I hope this gives you some options. Let me know how it goes!