Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Cyanobacteria


25 9:36:25

Is cyanobacteria bad in a saltwater aquarium? Seems to me it would be an effective nutrient export.


You sir are or must be kinda edumacated....    :)

This could be discussed/argued in a couple different directions, and i will present my position/opinion on it...

although it could and does require and or utilize nutrients that we dont want, the cyanno BACTERIA has serious potential negatives/risks.  thereby questioning the 'EFFECTIVE' part of your comment.

the first problem would be containment of growth...It would grow/maybe outgrow its source, and in doing so would cover your display tank with a film that could be picked up with your fingers, and or break-off and float around.  Not very attractive...

The other issue would be one of toxicity to those that may try to eat/digest/process the bacteria.  Most critters will try and eitehr die off of starvation and or beome poisoned themselve...

There are other macro algaes that are good at 'exporting' nutrients.  I sugest any number of them...

please check out   They are a great site and have a variety of algaes that are both 'effective' and pretty...