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possibly ill little clownfish

25 9:29:30

hello there. i have just set up a new saltwater tank. i had one when i was younger, but it was so long ago i would classify myself as new to the hobby. my tank is 20gal and has been set up for about 3 weeks. it has a 30 gal filter, 50w heater and is about 78degrees. salinity is 1.020 and it is in the initial cycling but still shows no ammonia or nitrites. pH is 8.1
about 4 days ago i got a baby percula clownfish to begin the tank cycling. he has been doing even better than i hoped. he is very active and eats very well. eyes are clear and shows no behavioral signs of illness. (i should add he is eating spectrum pellets profusely but is picky about anything else i offer him) oh yes and the bottom of the tank is sand. this is a fish only tank.
this morning i noticed on his "forehead" above and a bit behind his eyes a sort of white blemish. it is very very small. you would have to be obsessing over him as i do to notice it, but it is there. it is white & slightly raised. later in the day i noticed above his right gill similar small bumps closely grouped together. other than these visual blemishes he seems perfectly fine. i have been looking online for diseases that look like this with no luck. the closest match seems to be a bacterial infection but im not so sure thats what it is, any advice?

Take your clownfish out and dip him in freshwater (same temperature as the tank) for five minutes.  If he looks like he is about to stop breathing, put him back into the saltwater.  If you don't see an improvement in the bumps, then let's check the tank's Nitrites.  Nitrates may be 0, ammonia may be 0, but there may be a nitrite spark.  This can set off a clownfish disease, or he could have brought it with him.  Be sure not to put store water into the tank.

Raise your salinity to 1.024.  It's too low. :)

He will fare far better with proper salinity.

Keep an eye on him.  Look up clownfish disease.  It is what is going on.  They seem to "carry it" inside themselves, having it erupt during certain circumstances.  My guess is low salinity coupled with some nitrites, and a new environment, or it came wit him.

Either way, the freshwater dip should take care of it if it's clownfish disease, or if it's saltwater Ich.  Parasites in saltwater fall off fish immediately within minutes if dipped in freshwater.

Congrats on the new tank, Ashley. :)

Happy fish-keeping.