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NEW to fish!

25 9:47:43

Hello, I recently acquired 2 new tanks each of them roughly 50 gal., one is salt, and the other is fresh.. so onto the question!
My salt tank has an eel but I have no idea what species it is! It is approx. 16" in length white with black stripes and there are hints of yellow inside of the stripes. I'm not so much concerned with the breed as I am with its health. As of right now I do not know what type of food to give it, and it curently looks as if it is gasping for water?? Opening its mouth sucking in and closing.
so my 3 questions
1.) what species is my eel
2.) what would be best to feed this eel
3.) why does he appear to be gasping
Please forgive my vague and broad questions as i am new to this. I completely understand if you cannot answer my questions.

I love what you folks are doing! I spent a couple hours so far, reading on species I don't even own, or have even heard of before.. LOL

The eel is most likely a black ribbon eel. The "gasping" is an eel necessity. They are taking in water and pushing it over gills to extract oxygen. Normal behavior. Eels will eat almost any food but love krill and meaty types of frozen. Defrost in a jar of tank water, float jar in tank until defrosted food and water is same temp as tank, then pour it in.