Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > metal framing

metal framing

25 9:33:08

   I have just found out that saltwater will corrode the metal boxes, conduit, and studs around an aquarium.  Is there a product that can be applied to the framing to prevent corrosion?

Hello Roosevelt,

Sorry there is nothing that will prevent it..
BUT you can slow it down to a crawl..

Proper coatings, paint, epoxys and other steps like that will slow corrosion down, but like all things you will need to maintain that coating...


the rust will find a way thru and start attacking hte metal.

Stainless steel is less likely to corrode but it will over time also.

proper ventilation and air treatments will help, dehumidifiers and stuff like that.

maybe you can describe the metal stuff you are concerned about and the area/condition that your fish tank is in.???

let me know and we can continue the disccussion then.
