Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > my percula

my percula

25 9:33:07

Hello, I'm taking care of my friends tank, today I put in eight pellets for four fish and was going to do a second round, but the False Percula ate everything. I'm scared she ate way to much and is going to die, I believe 4 pellets is her daily diet, so now she's eaten double the amount. Is she going to be okay?

hello natalie,

the fish wont die with that amount of food, no worries.

when you sprinkle the pellets, try to pinch the food and put it just below the water surface, andthen release only a few pellets, then move to the other side of the tank and relase some more.. and spread the food around so  it isnt all in the same place

your putting your fingers in the tank will also scare the fish a little so they will scatter then come back to eat when they see you remove your fingers.

btw: good job on helping
