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moving anemone

25 9:37:25

i have two long tenticle anemones, one is a pink tip and one a purple they both seem to be doing great they are spreading out nicely my problem is with the pink tip it seems to be moving across the tank at least once a week just long enough to upset the rest of the items in my tank wich includes two feather dusters three pieces of coral and a lawnmower goby it seems to just sting everything for no reason and then settle back into its original place do you have any suggestions as to why it is doing this?

Hello Melissa,

Anemones move to look for better 'digs'.  They want to find the perfect home.  The things they look for are light and a small hole/pocket to put thier foot into...

They love the protection holes give them

If they move around and settle back into thier original home, (How do they do that), then I suggest being patient and leting them roam until they give up..  they will igure it out that that there is no place like home...

Good luck
