Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > filteration


25 9:48:53

Followup To
Question -
i want to purchase a small saltwater aquarium. It has a filter, but it does not seem advanced enouch for marine life.

can you look at this kit, and tell me what you think?


andrew lapsley
Answer -

this kit is only good for a very very basic marine fish set-up.  I think it would not be good enough.

If you want I can give you a detailed list of what's needed.

let me know what size tank you want.

good luck Todd


i want something small, 10-20 gallons. I just want a few clownfish, cardinals, and a few other good small marine fish.




I would go with a 20 gallon long with stand.
you will need:

1. a filter that filters at least 80 gallons per hour.
fluval, aqua clear are good ones
2. one aqua clear power head (a small one)
3. live rock about 10-15 pounds
4. live sand is up to you I do not use it.
5. test kit (look for a complete marine test kit)
6. sea salt Instant ocean works well
7. hydrometer to measure salinity
8. 80 watt heater
9. florescent lighting it may come with the tank.
10.  net. food,  etc
in this set-up you could have three cardinals and two clowns
or 5-6 small fish

this should  start you out
good luck