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Freshwater tank

25 9:30:12

I have a freshwater tank that has been running for 2 months now, I also have a saltwater tank. the Problem is that my tank is in the proccess of growing the right bacteria needed to keep healthy fish, I don't know why but my tank is very cloudy and foggy(not because of algea, or due to a weak filter or overfeeding) its been foggy fora long time and I thought it could be because of the bacterial blooms that occur in creating  a stabilized enviroment, if so could I or is there any way to change my crystal clear saltwater to freshwater inorder to add ready bacterial water to the tank to clear up the fog??
thank you very much. Sincerely Max


Hi Max,

Good question. The bacteria that grows in freshwater versus saltwater is very similar, however you wouldn't want to add saltwater to your freshwater aquarium to help facilitate the beneficial bacteria colonies.

I would recommend, getting a bottle or container of beneficial bacteria to add to your aquarium. Some products that I recommend, include: Cycle by Hagen, MicroBacter7 by Brightwell Aquatics, and BioZyme beneficial starter bacteria. Attached see the image of BioZyme. By adding one of these products along with a little more time, you should start to start seeing your aquarium clearing up.

Best Regards,

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