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air bubbles in marine tank

25 9:30:06

Hi there
could you please advise what may cause tiny bubbles to invade our tank making the water look cloudy  many thanks for your assistance we have tried a lot of different things but to no avail  ..  very frustrating  kind regards vicki

Hi Vicki,

Microbubbles are a nuissance in marine aquariums, and they are not beneficial in any way.

I would suggest a couple possible causes.

It could be that there isn't enough water in the refugium, but since I don't know your tank's specificiations, we can look at alternative reasons as well.

Perhapse your skimmer is returning microbubbles to the tank.  In that case, check with the manufacturer for a bubble catcher and/or add some filter floss to the return end.  It will help dissolve them prior to returning them to the tank.

If you're adding additives, you could be adding too much calcium, causing a snowstorm.  Cut back on the amount if this is the case.

If you are using a powerhead, make sure that the air hose is closed off to dis-allow air to filter into the tank, and check filtration units, as they can cause it also.

There are other types of bubbles also.  Some can form on rocks and sand from having too little circulation.  If that is the case, it's unhealthy and can help to contribute to cyanobacteria from too many foods being fed without enough circulation.

If this is the case, change the water and increase the flow inside the tank more.

I hope this has been helpful. :)

Good luck,